# Folder structure

Zero or minimal configuration is a real thing. But what is not understood immediately is that to allow no configuration, some assumptions must be made. Those assumptions are what lead to an opinionated usage and also the reason why we have so many standards and frameworks that in essense do the exact same thing. I have tried to make direct the option as little as possible but its hard to capture all usecases right from the start.

# Include a Readme.md in each folder

Have a main Readme.md file for each folder. This will allow you to add a short description for each folder, but also can be used as an Overview page. This is needed by the plugin to be able to show a page if you navigate to that folder's url, or else you will get a 404.

# Sorting order

The sort order is assumed to be alphabetically based on the filename. If you want a document to appear before an other, you can try a numbering system in the filename, for example:
