# Automated Testing

Automated testing is implemented using jest framework. The ts-jest tool will make sure test files written in typescript will also be translated and run with jest. The configuration for jest can be found in package.json under the jest key.

# Test suites

The test cases have been groupped in two suites:

  • The unit test suite Very fast tests that test each class in isolation

  • The integration test suite Slower tests that ensure the plugin will not cause any errors during the build process of the vuepress framework

Jest will identify which tests to run by their filename. As such the following convention has been used:

The filename of each test file must include its type, eg mytest.unit.ts and for organizational purposes must be placed on the relevant folder, eg unit

To run all tests

npm run test

To run all unit tests

npm run test:unit

To run all integration tests

npm run test:integration

To run the tests in file watch mode (so they are automatically rerun on file changes), append -- --watch flag when running via npm (otherwise use just the flag). For example

npm run test:unit -- --watch


jest unit --watch

# Coverage

By default, code coverage will also be calculated and reported at the end of the test execution, but also rendered in html format at coverage folder.